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Patient details - Key images

The images below illustrate this case for diagnoses Parathroid adenoma (link to Parathyroid lesion), Hyperparathyroidism, Brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism, for the modalities (CT ,MRI ,X rays)

Gamuts for this case : :

  • Lytic lesion in a vertebra
  • Osteolytic lesion of ribs
  • Solid cervical mass
  • Anterior mediastinal mass
  • Superior mediastinal mass
  • Without gamut
  • Posterior arch lesion
  • Generalised osteosclerosis
  • Expansive lesion
  • Mulltiple osteolysis
  • Well-defined osteolysis
  • Meta-diaphyseal osteolysis
  • Bilateral symmetrical sacroiliac disease
  • T2 WI Hypointense bone lesion
  • Markedly hyperintense T2 WI bone lesion
  • Diaphyseal osteolysis

Brown tumor-hyperparathyroidism, Vertebral body / Disk, CT
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism, Location(s) Vertebral body / Disk, with gamuts Lytic lesion in a vertebra

Brown tumor-hyperparathyroidism, Ribs, CT
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism, Location(s) Ribs, with gamuts Osteolytic lesion of ribs

Brown tumor-hyperparathyroidism, Vertebral body / Disk, CT
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism, Location(s) Vertebral body / Disk, with gamuts Lytic lesion in a vertebra

Brown tumor-hyperparathyroidism, Ribs, CT
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism, Location(s) Ribs, with gamuts Osteolytic lesion of ribs

Parathroid adenoma, Deep neck spaces, CT
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Parathroid adenoma (link to Parathyroid lesion), Location(s) Deep neck spaces, with gamuts Solid cervical mass

Parathroid adenoma, Mediastinum, CT
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Parathroid adenoma (link to Parathyroid lesion), Location(s) Mediastinum, with gamuts Anterior mediastinal mass, Superior mediastinal mass

Parathroid adenoma, Deep neck spaces, CT
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Parathroid adenoma (link to Parathyroid lesion), Location(s) Deep neck spaces, with gamuts Solid cervical mass

Parathroid adenoma, Mediastinum, CT
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Parathroid adenoma (link to Parathyroid lesion), Location(s) Mediastinum, with gamuts Anterior mediastinal mass, Superior mediastinal mass

Hyperparathyroidism, Vertebral body / Disk, CT
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Hyperparathyroidism, Location(s) Vertebral body / Disk, with gamuts

Hyperparathyroidism, Vertebral body / Disk, CT
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Hyperparathyroidism, Location(s) Vertebral body / Disk, with gamuts

Brown tumor-hyperparathyroidism, Vertebral body / Disk, CT
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism, Location(s) Vertebral body / Disk, with gamuts Posterior arch lesion

Brown tumor-hyperparathyroidism, Vertebral body / Disk, CT
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism, Location(s) Vertebral body / Disk, with gamuts Posterior arch lesion

Hyperparathyroidism, Ilium, CT
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Hyperparathyroidism, Location(s) Ilium, with gamuts Generalised osteosclerosis

Brown tumor-hyperparathyroidism, Ilium, CT
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism, Location(s) Ilium, with gamuts Expansive lesion

Brown tumor-hyperparathyroidism, Ilium, CT
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism, Location(s) Ilium, with gamuts Expansive lesion, Mulltiple osteolysis

Hyperparathyroidism, Ilium, CT
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Hyperparathyroidism, Location(s) Ilium, with gamuts Generalised osteosclerosis

Brown tumor-hyperparathyroidism, Ilium, CT
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism, Location(s) Ilium, with gamuts Expansive lesion, Mulltiple osteolysis

Brown tumor-hyperparathyroidism, Ilium, CT
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism, Location(s) Ilium, with gamuts Expansive lesion

Brown tumor-hyperparathyroidism, Ilium, CT
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism, Location(s) Ilium, with gamuts Well-defined osteolysis

Brown tumor-hyperparathyroidism, Ilium, CT
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism, Location(s) Ilium, with gamuts Well-defined osteolysis

Brown tumor-hyperparathyroidism, Femur - Proximal part, CT
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism, Location(s) Femur - Proximal part, with gamuts Mulltiple osteolysis, Meta-diaphyseal osteolysis, Well-defined osteolysis

Brown tumor-hyperparathyroidism, Femur - Proximal part, CT
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism, Location(s) Femur - Proximal part, with gamuts Mulltiple osteolysis, Meta-diaphyseal osteolysis, Well-defined osteolysis

Hyperparathyroidism, Sacro iliac joint, CT
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Hyperparathyroidism, Location(s) Sacro iliac joint, with gamuts Bilateral symmetrical sacroiliac disease

Brown tumor-hyperparathyroidism, Vertebral body / Disk, MRI
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism, Location(s) Vertebral body / Disk, with gamuts T2 WI Hypointense bone lesion

Hyperparathyroidism, Sacro iliac joint, CT
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Hyperparathyroidism, Location(s) Sacro iliac joint, with gamuts Bilateral symmetrical sacroiliac disease

Brown tumor-hyperparathyroidism, Vertebral body / Disk, MRI
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism, Location(s) Vertebral body / Disk, with gamuts T2 WI Hypointense bone lesion

Brown tumor-hyperparathyroidism, Vertebral body / Disk, MRI
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism, Location(s) Vertebral body / Disk, with gamuts Markedly hyperintense T2 WI bone lesion

Brown tumor-hyperparathyroidism, Vertebral body / Disk, MRI
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism, Location(s) Vertebral body / Disk, with gamuts Markedly hyperintense T2 WI bone lesion

Brown tumor-hyperparathyroidism, Vertebral body / Disk, X rays
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism, Location(s) Vertebral body / Disk, with gamuts Lytic lesion in a vertebra

Hyperparathyroidism, Ilium, X rays
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Hyperparathyroidism, Location(s) Ilium, with gamuts Generalised osteosclerosis

- Diagnosis Brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism, Location(s) Ilium, with gamuts Mulltiple osteolysis, Well-defined osteolysis, Expansive lesion

Brown tumor-hyperparathyroidism, Vertebral body / Disk, X rays
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism, Location(s) Vertebral body / Disk, with gamuts Lytic lesion in a vertebra

Hyperparathyroidism, Femur - Proximal part, Femur - Mid part, X rays
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Hyperparathyroidism, Location(s) Femur - Mid part, with gamuts Generalised osteosclerosisFemur - Distal part, with gamuts Generalised osteosclerosisFemur - Proximal part, with gamuts Generalised osteosclerosis

- Diagnosis Brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism, Location(s) Fibula - Mid part, with gamuts Diaphyseal osteolysis, Well-defined osteolysis, Mulltiple osteolysis

Hyperparathyroidism, Ilium, X rays
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Hyperparathyroidism, Location(s) Ilium, with gamuts Generalised osteosclerosis

- Diagnosis Brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism, Location(s) Ilium, with gamuts Mulltiple osteolysis, Well-defined osteolysis, Expansive lesion

Hyperparathyroidism, Femur - Proximal part, Femur - Mid part, X rays
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Hyperparathyroidism, Location(s) Femur - Mid part, with gamuts Generalised osteosclerosisFemur - Distal part, with gamuts Generalised osteosclerosisFemur - Proximal part, with gamuts Generalised osteosclerosis

- Diagnosis Brown tumor of hyperparathyroidism, Location(s) Fibula - Mid part, with gamuts Diaphyseal osteolysis, Well-defined osteolysis, Mulltiple osteolysis

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