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Patient details - Key images

The images below illustrate this case for diagnoses Tuberculosis (link to Abscess), for the modalities

Gamuts for this case : :

  • Nasopharyngeal lesion
  • Parapharyngeal space lesion
  • Retropharyngeal space lesion
  • Basal ganglia hypodense lesion
  • Multifocal infratentorial lesions
  • Hypodense infratentorial lesion on noncontrast CT
  • Infratentorial lesion with moderate enhancement
  • Infratentorial T2W or FLAIR hypointense lesion
  • Intracerebral mass
  • Intracerebral T2W or FLAIR hypointense lesion
  • Periventricular anomaly seen in MRI
  • Periventricular anomaly seen in AIDS
  • Brainstem lesion
  • Brainstem Hyperintense T2WI or FLAIR lesion
  • Presacral mass
  • Chest wall lesion
  • Sacrococcygeal mass
  • Cystic and cystic-like soft tissue mass
  • Hypervascular soft tissue mass
  • Multiples soft tissue masses
  • DWI hyperintense lesion

Tuberculosis, Nasal cavity / Nasopharynx, Theoretical
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Tuberculosis (link to Abscess), Location(s) Nasal cavity / Nasopharynx, with gamuts Nasopharyngeal lesion

Tuberculosis, Oropharynx / Floor-mouth, Deep facial spaces, Theoretical
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Tuberculosis (link to Abscess), Location(s) Oropharynx / Floor of mouth, with gamuts Parapharyngeal space lesionDeep facial spaces, with gamuts Parapharyngeal space lesionPharyngolarynx, with gamuts Parapharyngeal space lesion

Tuberculosis, Oropharynx / Floor-mouth, Deep facial spaces, Theoretical
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Tuberculosis (link to Abscess), Location(s) Oropharynx / Floor of mouth, with gamuts Retropharyngeal space lesionDeep facial spaces, with gamuts Retropharyngeal space lesionPharyngolarynx, with gamuts Retropharyngeal space lesion

Tuberculosis, Basal ganglia and capsule, Theoretical
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Tuberculosis (link to Abscess), Location(s) Basal ganglia and capsule, with gamuts Basal ganglia hypodense lesion

Tuberculosis, Posterior fossa, Theoretical
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Tuberculosis (link to Abscess), Location(s) Posterior fossa, with gamuts Multifocal infratentorial lesions

Tuberculosis, Posterior fossa, Theoretical
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Tuberculosis (link to Abscess), Location(s) Posterior fossa, with gamuts Hypodense infratentorial lesion on noncontrast CT

Tuberculosis, Posterior fossa, Theoretical
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Tuberculosis (link to Abscess), Location(s) Posterior fossa, with gamuts Infratentorial lesion with moderate enhancement

Tuberculosis, Posterior fossa, Theoretical
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Tuberculosis (link to Abscess), Location(s) Posterior fossa, with gamuts Infratentorial T2W or FLAIR hypointense lesion

Tuberculosis, Cerebral hemispheres, Theoretical
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Tuberculosis (link to Abscess), Location(s) Cerebral hemispheres, with gamuts Intracerebral mass

Tuberculosis, Cerebral hemispheres, Theoretical
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Tuberculosis (link to Abscess), Location(s) Cerebral hemispheres, with gamuts Intracerebral T2W or FLAIR hypointense lesion

Tuberculosis, Cerebral hemispheres, V4 and vermis, Theoretical
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Tuberculosis (link to Abscess), Location(s) Cerebral hemispheres, with gamuts Periventricular anomaly seen in MRIV4 and vermis, with gamuts Periventricular anomaly seen in MRI

Tuberculosis, Cerebral hemispheres, V4 and vermis, Theoretical
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Tuberculosis (link to Abscess), Location(s) Cerebral hemispheres, with gamuts Periventricular anomaly seen in AIDSV4 and vermis, with gamuts Periventricular anomaly seen in AIDS

Tuberculosis, Brainstem, Theoretical
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Tuberculosis (link to Abscess), Location(s) Brainstem, with gamuts Brainstem lesion

Tuberculosis, Brainstem, Theoretical
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Tuberculosis (link to Abscess), Location(s) Brainstem, with gamuts Brainstem Hyperintense T2WI or FLAIR lesion

Tuberculosis, Rectum, Pelvis / Perineum, Theoretical
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Tuberculosis (link to Abscess), Location(s) Rectum, with gamuts Presacral massPelvis / Perineum, with gamuts Presacral massSacrum / Coccyx, with gamuts Presacral massSacrum / Coccyx, with gamuts Presacral mass

Tuberculosis, Chest wall, Theoretical
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Tuberculosis (link to Abscess), Location(s) Chest wall, with gamuts Chest wall lesion

Tuberculosis, Sacrum / Coccyx, Theoretical
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Tuberculosis (link to Abscess), Location(s) Sacrum / Coccyx, with gamuts Sacrococcygeal mass

Tuberculosis, Soft tissues - Skull, Soft tissues - Head and neck, Theoretical
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Tuberculosis (link to Abscess), Location(s) Soft tissues - Skull, with gamuts Cystic and cystic-like soft tissue massSoft tissues - Head and neck, with gamuts Cystic and cystic-like soft tissue massChest wall, with gamuts Cystic and cystic-like soft tissue massOther soft tissues/nerves - Shoulder, with gamuts Cystic and cystic-like soft tissue massMuscles - Arm, with gamuts Cystic and cystic-like soft tissue massLateral epicondyle muscles, with gamuts Cystic and cystic-like soft tissue massMedial epicondyle muscles, with gamuts Cystic and cystic-like soft tissue massMuscles - Forearm, with gamuts Cystic and cystic-like soft tissue massOther soft tissues/nerves - Forearm, with gamuts Cystic and cystic-like soft tissue massOther soft tissues/nerves - Wrist, with gamuts Cystic and cystic-like soft tissue massOther soft tissues/nerves - Hand, with gamuts Cystic and cystic-like soft tissue massPelvic Muscles, with gamuts Cystic and cystic-like soft tissue massOther soft tissues/nerves - Pelvis, with gamuts Cystic and cystic-like soft tissue massMuscles - Thigh, with gamuts Cystic and cystic-like soft tissue massOther soft tissues/nerves - Thigh, with gamuts Cystic and cystic-like soft tissue massMuscles - Knee, with gamuts Cystic and cystic-like soft tissue massOther soft tissues/nerves - Knee, with gamuts Cystic and cystic-like soft tissue massMuscles - Leg, with gamuts Cystic and cystic-like soft tissue massOther soft tissues/nerves - Leg, with gamuts Cystic and cystic-like soft tissue massOther soft tissues/nerves - Ankle, with gamuts Cystic and cystic-like soft tissue massOther soft tissues/nerves - Foot, with gamuts Cystic and cystic-like soft tissue mass

Tuberculosis, Soft tissues - Skull, Soft tissues - Head and neck, Theoretical
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Tuberculosis (link to Abscess), Location(s) Soft tissues - Skull, with gamuts Hypervascular soft tissue massSoft tissues - Head and neck, with gamuts Hypervascular soft tissue massChest wall, with gamuts Hypervascular soft tissue massChest wall, with gamuts Hypervascular soft tissue massMuscles - Shoulder, with gamuts Hypervascular soft tissue massMuscles - Arm, with gamuts Hypervascular soft tissue massOther soft tissues/nerves - Arm, with gamuts Hypervascular soft tissue massLateral epicondyle muscles, with gamuts Hypervascular soft tissue massMedial epicondyle muscles, with gamuts Hypervascular soft tissue massOther soft tissues/nerves - Elbow, with gamuts Hypervascular soft tissue massMuscles - Forearm, with gamuts Hypervascular soft tissue massOther soft tissues/nerves - Forearm, with gamuts Hypervascular soft tissue massOther soft tissues/nerves - Wrist, with gamuts Hypervascular soft tissue massOther soft tissues/nerves - Hand, with gamuts Hypervascular soft tissue massPelvic Muscles, with gamuts Hypervascular soft tissue massOther soft tissues/nerves - Pelvis, with gamuts Hypervascular soft tissue massMuscles - Thigh, with gamuts Hypervascular soft tissue massOther soft tissues/nerves - Thigh, with gamuts Hypervascular soft tissue massMuscles - Knee, with gamuts Hypervascular soft tissue massOther soft tissues/nerves - Knee, with gamuts Hypervascular soft tissue massMuscles - Leg, with gamuts Hypervascular soft tissue massOther soft tissues/nerves - Leg, with gamuts Hypervascular soft tissue massOther soft tissues/nerves - Ankle, with gamuts Hypervascular soft tissue massOther soft tissues/nerves - Foot, with gamuts Hypervascular soft tissue mass

Tuberculosis, Soft tissues - Skull, Soft tissues - Head and neck, Theoretical
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Tuberculosis (link to Abscess), Location(s) Soft tissues - Skull, with gamuts Multiples soft tissue massesSoft tissues - Head and neck, with gamuts Multiples soft tissue massesChest wall, with gamuts Multiples soft tissue massesChest wall, with gamuts Multiples soft tissue massesMuscles - Shoulder, with gamuts Multiples soft tissue massesOther soft tissues/nerves - Shoulder, with gamuts Multiples soft tissue massesMuscles - Arm, with gamuts Multiples soft tissue massesLateral epicondyle muscles, with gamuts Multiples soft tissue massesMedial epicondyle muscles, with gamuts Multiples soft tissue massesMuscles - Forearm, with gamuts Multiples soft tissue massesOther soft tissues/nerves - Forearm, with gamuts Multiples soft tissue massesOther soft tissues/nerves - Wrist, with gamuts Multiples soft tissue massesOther soft tissues/nerves - Hand, with gamuts Multiples soft tissue massesPelvic Muscles, with gamuts Multiples soft tissue massesOther soft tissues/nerves - Pelvis, with gamuts Multiples soft tissue massesMuscles - Thigh, with gamuts Multiples soft tissue massesOther soft tissues/nerves - Thigh, with gamuts Multiples soft tissue massesMuscles - Knee, with gamuts Multiples soft tissue massesOther soft tissues/nerves - Knee, with gamuts Multiples soft tissue massesMuscles - Leg, with gamuts Multiples soft tissue massesOther soft tissues/nerves - Leg, with gamuts Multiples soft tissue massesOther soft tissues/nerves - Ankle, with gamuts Multiples soft tissue massesOther soft tissues/nerves - Foot, with gamuts Multiples soft tissue masses

Tuberculosis, Basal ganglia and capsule, Brainstem, Theoretical
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Tuberculosis (link to Abscess), Location(s) Basal ganglia and capsule, with gamuts DWI hyperintense lesionBrainstem, with gamuts DWI hyperintense lesion

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