The differential diagnosis section allows you to see all the differential diagnosis of a disease, according to a specified location. In this section, only the exact results are displayed. For approximate results, use the search by gamuts
Locations :
All locations
Carpometacarpal joint
Femorotibial joints - Intercondylar notch
Gleno humeral joint
Interphalangeal joint - Hand
Mediocarpal joint
Metacarpophalangeal joints
Other soft tissues/nerves - Shoulder
Other soft tissues/nerves - Wrist
Patellofemoral joint
Sacro iliac joint
Vertebral body / Disk
Carpometacarpal joint
Femorotibial joints - Intercondylar notch
Gleno humeral joint
Interphalangeal joint - Hand
Mediocarpal joint
Metacarpophalangeal joints
Other soft tissues/nerves - Shoulder
Other soft tissues/nerves - Wrist
Patellofemoral joint
Sacro iliac joint
Vertebral body / Disk
Differential diagnosis :
Only exact results are present. For approximate results, use the search by gamuts