The images below illustrate this case for diagnoses Salmonella colitis (link to Infectious colitis), Salmonellosis (link to Infectious enteritis), Lymphadenopathy, Salmonellosis, Salmonella colitis, Spondylodiscitis, for the modalities (MRI ,CT)
Gamuts for this case : :
- Spinal disc lesion
- Solid cervical mass
- Without gamut
- Marked thickening of colon wall
- Thickening of colon wall
- Pericecal fat infitration
- Cecal / lleocecal valve lesion
- Moderate thicknening of small bowel wall
- Focal thicknening of small bowel wall
- Terminal ileum lesion
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Spondylodiscitis, Location(s) Vertebral body / Disk, with gamuts Spinal disc lesion
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Spondylodiscitis, Location(s) Vertebral body / Disk, with gamuts Spinal disc lesion
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Spondylodiscitis, Location(s) Vertebral body / Disk, with gamuts Spinal disc lesion
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Spondylodiscitis, Location(s) Vertebral body / Disk, with gamuts Spinal disc lesion
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Lymphadenopathy, Location(s) Deep neck spaces, with gamuts Solid cervical mass
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Lymphadenopathy, Location(s) Deep neck spaces, with gamuts Solid cervical mass
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Salmonellosis, Location(s) Mediastinum, with gamuts
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Salmonellosis, Location(s) Mediastinum, with gamuts
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Salmonella colitis, Location(s) Colon, with gamuts Marked thickening of colon wall
- Diagnosis Salmonella colitis (link to Infectious colitis), Location(s) Colon, with gamuts Thickening of colon wall
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Salmonella colitis, Location(s) Colon, with gamuts Marked thickening of colon wall
- Diagnosis Salmonella colitis (link to Infectious colitis), Location(s) Colon, with gamuts Thickening of colon wall
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Salmonella colitis, Location(s) Caecum / Appendix, with gamuts Pericecal fat infitration, Cecal / lleocecal valve lesion
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Salmonellosis (link to Infectious enteritis), Location(s) Small bowel, with gamuts Moderate thicknening of small bowel wall, Focal thicknening of small bowel wall, Terminal ileum lesion
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Salmonellosis (link to Infectious enteritis), Location(s) Small bowel, with gamuts Moderate thicknening of small bowel wall, Focal thicknening of small bowel wall, Terminal ileum lesion
Here is the specific information in the key image above:
- Diagnosis Salmonella colitis, Location(s) Caecum / Appendix, with gamuts Pericecal fat infitration, Cecal / lleocecal valve lesion